Management of research contracts
Preparation of research contracts The managing of a research contract is subject to a three-way approach with the sponsor of the research study, the Association and the member of the Association in charge of the scientific study. These three partners are working together to finalize the contract and to ensure the fulfilment of obligations of each of the parties which are contained in the agreement The sponsor of the research study may belong both to French or foreign research bodies : national or international institutions, regional authorities, industry, pharmaceutical laboratories, French public scientific and technological establishment (EPST), foundations, etc. Managing a contract NEB is responsible for both managing the administrative and financial dimension of any contract, notably by issuing invoices in accordance with the relevant deadlines and ensuring that the responsible of the study is respecting the schedule for the transmission of the intermediate and final reports as mentioned in the contract. Use of funding According to the terms of the contract, funds are used in a legal and regular manner to ensure any expense required for a good realization of the study: staff expenditure, purchase of equipment and supplies, scientific expeditions, publication costs. |